{:id}Pengolah Record Fakultas “Belajar Bareng” Penggunaan Aplikasi SAGA{:}{:en}Record Processor Faculty “Learning together” Use of SAGA Application{:}


Sejak diluncurkan aplikasi Sistem Arsip Airlangga (SAGA) beberapa waktu yang lalu, masih ada beberapa pengolah arsip fakultas yang masih kebingungan cara penggunaan aplikasi ini. Bidang Administrasi dan Kearsipan Universitas Airlangga menampung beberapa masukan dari pengolah record fakultas yang menginginkan “belajar bareng” tentang penggunaan aplikasi SAGA. Kegiatan yang berlangsung di Lt.2 Gedung Arsip ini diawali dengan penjelasan teori pengolahan arsip oleh Arsiparis unair Kiswari,S.Sos dan juga selaku kasie bidang administrasi dan kearsipan. Selain teori, Roihan Hanafi selaku admin SAGA juga menjelaskan step by step penggunaan aplikasi ini.

Para pengolah record fakultas sangat antusias mengikuti kegiatan tersebut dan mereka berharap sering diadakah kegiatan semacam ini. Selain berbagi pengalaman tentang pengelolaan arsip di fakultas masing-masing, kegiatan ini juga sebagai ajang silaturahmi sesama pengelola arsip di seluruh lingkungan Universitas Airlangga.

{:}{:en}Since the launch of Airlangga Archive System (SAGA) application some time ago, there are still some faculty archive processors who are still confused how to use this application. The Airlangga University Administration and Archive Division holds some input from the faculty record processors who want to “learn together” about using SAGA applications. Activities that took place in Lt.2 Building This archive begins with an explanation archive processing theory by archivist  unair Kiswari, S. Sos and also as the head of administrative and Archive fields. In addition to the theory, Roihan Hanafi as SAGA admin also explained step by step use of this application. The faculty record recipients are very enthusiastic about following the event and they hope to be frequent in this kind of activity. In addition to sharing experiences about archive management in each faculty, this activity is also as a forum for friendship of archive managers throughout the Airlangga University.


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